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  • Writer's picturePeter Barton-Smith

Diaphragmatic Endometriosis - first UK combined robotic gynae/hepatobiliary case

The Endometriosis Clinic yesterday performed the UK's first combined robotic multidisciplinary case involving gynae and hepatobiliary surgeons. The patient travelled from Belgium to London to undergo excision surgery for endometriosis. Suspected lesions from the pelvis were excised by Peter Barton-Smith, and Professor Long Jaio excised suspected areas from the right hemidiaphragm, having mobilised the liver. The visualisation of the diaphragm in 3D HD with robotic assistance surpassed any previous experience, and the precision of the surgery to delicately excise lesions from the diaphragmatic peritoneum was outstanding. As with most cases of diaphragmatic endo, the lesions are hidden out of direct view behind the liver and thorough accurate inspection is critical. The possibilities to deal with this not so rare problem have now been greatly enhanced in The Endometriosis Clinic

The team with the new da Vinci Xi robot yesterday that makes multi-quadrant robotic surgery so much easier

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